Painful Back Muscles

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:16 AM | 0 comments »

Painful back muscles can cause excruciating misery for patients of all ages and lifestyles. Muscular back pain is the most common type of back and spine complaint and can be caused by a variety of physical and psychological sources. While the symptoms associated with back muscle pain can be severe, the condition itself is rarely serious and can go away quickly with little or no treatment.

Painful Back Muscles

Physically Painful Back Muscles

Back injury can be the result of a variety of common occurrences:

* Repetitive Motion Back Pain

* Work Related Back Pain

* Sports Back Pain

* Poor Posture Back Pain

Soft tissue injury can affect the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the back. Strains, sprains and tears in these tissues can be very painful and may result in agonizing waves of muscular spasm. However severe the pain might become, there is usually no cause for concern. Stay relaxed, get some rest and do not get stressed out over the symptoms. Obsession with the pain sets the stage for an ongoing psychological pain syndrome to begin, which may last long after the actual muscular injury has healed.

Psychologically Painful Back Muscles

Muscular tension, tightness and pain are often the results of conscious stress related back pain. These are emotional issues that we are aware of and often are a worry to us. This overwhelming psychological burden can cause a breakdown in our physical bodies in order to distract us from the crushing emotional overload. Allow yourself time to de-stress and vent your frustrations over life’s trials and turmoils. Do not repress your stress, since this can lead to a far worse type of psychological back pain.

Repressed emotional issues, thoughts, feelings, fears, insecurities and memories can lead to powerful psychologically induced pain syndromes, including ultra-severe back muscle pain. This pain is so critical that the patient is often hospitalized and fears that they have a dire spinal condition. Of course, a diagnosis is usually made and the pain is blamed on some coincidental spinal scapegoat condition. This is often the start of an ongoing series of unsuccessful treatments for a condition which has been misdiagnosed. Medical treatments do nothing to cure a psychosomatic pain condition. Meanwhile the patient continues to suffer with horrible bouts of acute and chronic back pain.

Recommendation on Painful Back Muscles

Injuries heal. Pain goes away and life returns to normal. This is the way our bodies were designed and this is the way nature works. If you have recently injured your back muscles, do not worry. All will be well again. If you have unresolved back pain that has resisted all attempts at treatment, then you have a real problem. You have probably tried many modalities of therapy with limited or no relief provided. It is time to think differently about the real cause of your pain. Long term chronic back pain is most commonly the result of psychological factors. As soon as a patient realizes and accepts this simple lesson, the sooner they begin to recover. It took me 18 years of suffering to learn this fact…the hard way. Once I learned, I healed. It was really that simple. Learn more about how knowledge therapy can cure your pain, just as it cured mine.