Tight Back Muscles

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:10 AM | 0 comments »

Tight back muscles are sometimes an indicator of imminent back pain. Tight muscles are a natural expression of conscious and sometimes subconscious stress. Many patients experience muscle tightness just prior to having an acute attack of back pain and others experience a constant tightness corresponding to their chronic pain conditions.

Tight Back Muscles

Physical Tight Back Muscles

Muscles can become tight due to a minor injury or overexertion. Physical tightness is always possible, but usually resolves quickly and without treatment. The best remedy for physical muscle tightness is a simple massage and some heat therapy. Water based treatments are also wonderful to relax tight muscles. Hydrotherapy and aquatic therapy are both excellent means of treating muscular back conditions. It is not advisable to take medication for muscular back pain. Especially dangerous are the powerful prescription meds that can have harmful side effects and associated risks for addiction.

Psychological Tight Back Muscles

The most common reason for muscle tightness in the back is either conscious stress or subconscious repressed emotional issues. Conscious stress can cause severe tightness and the feeling of being “on edge”. This condition will often last until the cause of the conscious stress is resolved and often even a bit longer. It is important to understand that the mind and body work together in all matters of health and disease. When the mind is burdened by painful or troubling emotions, it often makes the physical body share the load.

Far more severe is the constant muscle tightness and chronic back pain associated with repressed subconscious emotions. Psychosomatic back pain is rampant and can last for many years. Muscle tightness is an extremely common symptom of almost all psychosomatic syndromes and muscles are often painful to the touch and sensitive to movement and activity.

Recommendation on Tight Back Muscles

Tightness in the muscles is usually an indicator of emotional issues causing physical trouble. If you have overused your back muscles and are experiencing some pain and tightness, relax. This condition will not last long and will not leave any permanent damage. However, if you have long term muscle tightness and pain, you need to find help. Medical treatment often blames this type of pain on some coincidental spinal scapegoat condition. This misdiagnosis often keeps the patient in treatment for years looking for some form of relief. Of course, medical treatments will not help a psychosomatic condition and the patient is usually left with a treatment resistant form of pain which is a mystery to doctors and therapists. For true relief of chronic muscle tightness and pain, you need to learn more about how knowledge therapy can teach you the real reason why you have pain. Once you understand where the pain originates, a true cure is easy to enact. Lose those tight muscles and regain your freedom to enjoy life.