Back Muscle Exercises

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:28 AM | | 1 comments »

Back muscle exercises are a valuable part of a fitness routine, but should not be prescribed with the promise of a cure for chronic back pain. Muscular symptoms are the most common forms of back pain experienced by patients all around the world. Exercise therapy is a typical treatment modality used to combat this epidemic pain condition. Often, the treatment will not fit the actual cause of the symptoms and the patient is left holding on to hope in a treatment that will not help them or their pain. It is critical to achieve an accurate diagnosis when it comes to muscular back pain to determine whether or not exercise will be a beneficial addition to the treatment program or not.

back muscle exercises

Benefits of Back Muscle Exercises

Exercise is good for your body and good for your back. Physical therapy using stretches and exercises is indicated for a variety of truly physical back and spine pain syndromes. Exercise is important to rehabilitate back injuries and also crucial to help patients recover from back surgery. If you are sure that your back pain is induced by a physical cause, then there is a good chance that exercise might be right for you.

Exercise increases muscular strength and structure and allows the back muscles to support the spine more effectively. Exercise also increases the circulation and therefore the cellular oxygen supply to the muscles. This interesting fact is the reason why back pain exercises are often moderately effective in treating a variety of diagnosed symptomatic conditions. However, the treatment does not work because of the brilliance or skill or the doctor or therapist…It works because of a mistake made in the diagnosis!

Back Muscle Exercises and Ischemia

Oxygen deprivation is the most common source of muscular back pain. Medical science rarely diagnoses this condition even though it is so prevalent in our society. The reason physical medicine chooses to ignore this cause of horrible muscle pain and spasms is that ischemic back pain is almost always the result of a psychological process. Medical providers are not prepared or educated to deal with this type of pain so they simply ignore the mind / body interaction responsible for the majority of chronic pain conditions.

Most patients will deny having any type of psychosomatic back pain because they have been conditioned to accept a scapegoat spinal abnormality as the source of their pain. Well, if the diagnosis is so good and accurate, then how come the treatment results are so poor?

Recommendation on Back Muscle Exercises

Maybe you have tried a variety of treatment options to cure your chronic muscular back pain with little or no success. Maybe you hold on to the idea that exercise might be the magic bullet to help you conquer your pain. If exercise provides some benefit for your pain, but only short term, there is a good chance that you are suffering from ischemia back pain rather than whatever condition you have been diagnosed with. Acknowledging the reasons for this type of pain is crucial to the complete resolution of all symptoms. Instead of muscle exercises, you should be exercising your brain. Knowledge therapy can cure this type of pain forever, with no more treatments ever needed to maintain your health and vitality. Learn to cure your pain, and then use exercises to get in the best shape of your life. I did it. Why not use your exercise time to build a state of health, rather than try in vain to treat a condition of apparent disease and injury? All this writing makes me want to get up and do my exercises right now! Talk to you later…


  1. Sheriffkhan // July 10, 2008 at 4:23 AM  

    Your information is very extensive and very important one particularly for back pain sufferers. These are quick comments but will read all in details and will make further contributions.

    Lord Dr. shaukat Nawaz kahn