
Posted by loudfrogs | 9:51 AM | | 0 comments »

Myositis is a general term for chronic muscular soreness. Back muscle pain is the most common of all back ache conditions. Causes of muscular pain can range from insignificant to life threatening, so it is crucial that the patient understands exactly what is creating their painful symptoms. Specific types of myositis conditions are some of the most treatment resistant of all chronic back pain syndromes.



Fibromyalgia is one of the most virulent of all muscle pain syndromes. This epidemic condition has grown exponentially over the past 30 years all across the globe. Women are especially prone to developing fibromyalgia pain. The condition has no universally accepted cause or cure. Most traditional and alternative treatments are designed to relieve some of the problematic symptoms, rather than cure the actual underlying condition. It is no surprise that many fibromyalgia patients suffer for years as their lives descend into a dark and lonely downward spiral.

Tension Myositis Syndrome

TMS is the diagnosis named by Dr. John Sarno. This condition created historic precedent as the first modern psychosomatic condition accepted and treated by the traditional medical system. Although TMS doctors are few and far between, they do exist. This gives hope to the millions of patients suffering with many varieties of mind/body disorders. Physicians are starting to realize the actual role the mind plays in the creation of physical symptoms. Hopefully, this trend will propagate and create a new generation of doctors well versed in treating psychosomatic pain.

Recommendation on Myositis

Chronic muscle pain conditions are rarely caused by a physical, environmental or infectious process. They are mostly the result of a psychosomatic process which uses simple ischemia to cause pain and related symptoms. Psychological reasons for the creation of these psychogenic symptoms vary greatly, but the cure is almost universal. Knowledge therapy will help a patient to discover the true psychological reasons for their pain. Once these emotional issues have been demystified by the conscious mind, their harmful power ceases to exist, usually leading to complete amelioration of all symptoms. If you have never considered that your unresolved back pain might be the result of a subconscious process, you owe it to yourself to investigate how millions have cured their symptoms with this effective therapy option. You have nothing to lose but your pain…