Back Muscle Strain

Posted by loudfrogs | 8:12 AM | | 0 comments »

Many factors can cause back muscle strain by increasing muscular stress. Muscles are strong and able to handle most of the tasks we ask from them. Sometimes we just push too hard, or do repetitive tasks, which can cause a muscle or ligament injury. Muscular back pain is a painful but rarely serious form of spinal complaint.

back muscle strain

Back Muscle Strain Causes

* Sports Injuries. Football, baseball, golf, rowing, tennis, martial arts, and weight lifting are all notorious causes of back muscle pain. Almost any sport can cause muscular injury, and care should be exercised to always use safety equipment and proper technique.

* Auto Accidents. Whiplash injuries can affect the neck and upper back muscles. Impact can injure the lower and upper back muscles. Sometimes, these injuries do not become apparent until hours after the car accident.

* Lifting. Common cause of mostly lower back muscle injuries. Lift with a straight back, using your legs. Lifting with a bent back puts huge amounts of force on your lumbar spine. A muscle injury is kind compared to a possible disc injury…

* Repetitive Work. People who do physical work may suffer from overused muscles. People who sit at a desk may suffer from weak and underused muscles. Either condition can cause muscle injuries. Try to balance your life and activity as much as possible.

* Backpacks or heavy bags. Carrying a heavy briefcase all the time, especially in the same hand, can cause muscle injury. Wearing a backpack, especially over only one shoulder, can also cause muscular problems in the upper back and neck.

* Sudden Movements. Lifting, bending or twisting after long periods of inactivity are a great cause of muscle pulls. Warm up and stretch before attempting any vigorous physical activity.

* Being overweight.Increased weight means increased stress on your muscles, joints and bones. More stress increases the chance for all types of injuries, including muscular. Is that extra helping of lasagna really worth the pain?

* Poor Muscular Shape. Inactive people have weak muscles. Weak muscles are easier to injure and take longer to recover.

* Smoking. Smoking is proven to be bad for your muscles, joints and bones. Nicotine interferes with several processes used to build strong bones, heal wounds, and create healthy muscles. We all know smoking is bad, so please… STOP ALREADY!!!

* Stress. My Favorite. Increased mental or emotional stress have been scientifically proven to increase muscle tension. Tight back muscles are more prone to injury. Relaxed person = Relaxed muscles. Tense person = Tense muscles. Tense back muscles = injured muscles. OUCH…

* Childbirth can cause back muscle injuries, especially form pushing during vaginal births.

Recommendation for Back Muscle Strain

You have to live your life and work. I understand that. You can’t stop your job because of some back muscle strain. You can, however, work smarter. Use the best technique and be careful with your body. Alternate activity as much as possible. Break up your day.

Stay healthy and in shape. DON’T SMOKE. Exercise regularly and don’t overdo it, especially when you are injured. Try to stay focused on your activity. Most of all, learn to handle stress. It is the #1 killer in the world. The majority of back muscle strain is actually caused by stress. All back pain is aggravated by stress. Don’t forget heart disease and high blood pressure…

I learned that stress can play a much bigger part in back pain than most people know. That knowledge led me to a cure for my own chronic back pain after 18 years of suffering.