Tips from the Belly Off! Diet

Posted by loudfrogs | 8:59 PM | | 1 comments »

Men’s Health started an online weight-loss community called the “Belly Off! Club” back in 2002, and since then, club members have lost almost 2 million pounds. Yowsa! That’s alotta pounds!! Their book, The Belly Off! Diet, is not due out ‘til April, but MSN is giving us a preview of some of tips contained in it.

  1. Cut out refined grains and sugar
  2. Eat more protein, healthy fats, fiber-rich fruits & veggies, and whole grains
  3. Eat breakfast every day
  4. Lift weights at least three times a week.
  5. Do cardio workouts, especially interval training

None of these are particularly new methods for slimming down, but it never hurts to reinforce good techniques through repetition. And, because this books is written by men for men, it might reach a whole new audience that doesn’t always respond to more typical diet plans.

The lower body contains some of your biggest muscles which are capable of bearing significant weights. The temptation for beginners to go for broke by performing heavy squats should be resisted. To begin with you should concentrate on building the muscles safely by using machines that isolate muscle groups. The squat is an excellent compound exercise that trains numerous lower body muscles but it is one you should learn properly after spending three months strengthening the individual muscles that will be utilized later.

The muscles of the lower body can be divided into five groups:

1. Quads - this is the big muscle group consisting of four muscles at the front of the thigh. These are the primary muscles used when performing exercises such as squats, leg press, lunge and leg extension.

2. Hamstrings - these are the main muscles at the back of the thigh. These are the primary muscles used when performing leg curls.

3. Gluteals - these are the muscles that make up the buttocks.

4. Hip flexors - these are the small muscles at the front of the pelvis that allow you to raise your legs to the front.

5. Calves - these are the two muscles found in the lower leg.

For beginners these muscles should be exercised as follows:

1. Leg press - 1 set of 10-15 reps. This is a useful exercise for the quads but it also works the hamstrings and glutes to a lesser degree.

2. Leg extension - 3 sets of 10-15 reps. This is a useful exercise for adding definition to the quads.

3. Hamstring curl - 3 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise isolates the hamstrings.

4. Standing calf raise - 3 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise works the gastrocnemius muscle.

5. Seated calf raise - 3 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise works the soleus muscle underneath the gastrocnemius muscle.

As with all exercises you need to take care in scheduling specific body parts. To begin with you should incorporate your lower body exercises into a program similar to the one suggested below:

Day 1: Biceps, Back, Abs

Day 2: Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs

Day 3: Quads, Forearms, Calves

Day 4: Triceps, Chest, Abs

For the first couple of weeks complete one set but then add one set each week to a maximum of three. At the end of three months you will be ready to move on to more intensive intermediate level exercises.

How Protein Shakes Build Muscles

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:39 AM | , | 0 comments »

Protein is a component that helps to build up muscles and strengthens fiber, ligament etc, it is present in our body, and different food products are the source of proteins, like poultry and it\'s various products, meat, fish etc. With whose intake we are supplied with the necessary proteins in our body which helps to build up our muscles and regulate the other aspects of our body. Protein shakes are alternate supplements which come especially in the form of powders, which are diluted in different liquids preferably water or milk, and are consumed, which generates muscle growth and helps to reduce fat and develop muscles, resulting into a masculine body or a lean body, depending on the intake.

The appropriate and normal amount of protein required by our body is 1 gram, but due to many reasons this requirement is not fulfilled, therefore, supplements like Protein shakes are used to compensate the less Protein intake. Also, if a person is into muscle building, then Protein shakes are a must aspect of his or her work out regime.

The preferred and the appropriate point that a person should consume Protein shake is before having breakfast as the body was stagnant of any food consumption before that, therefore Protein shake at this point is best time to be consumed.

And for much better and fast result, the Protein shake intake if is after exercising, as a part of an energy drink, killing fatigue and exhaustion. Thereby, providing and regulating the process of muscle growth, as is the function of Protein in our body.

Protein is made up of components called amino acids, and these form Proteins, which in turn makes up the basic part in our body, with the main function of muscle building, hair, nails and tissues growth in our body.

A regular person\'s share of proteins comes from the intake of food products like chicken, beef, fish, eggs etc. But if a person is undergoing exercise or a work out regime, then he or she is not getting the appropriate Protein percentage, in his or her body. So, this is the point when Protein shakes come into action and provides the body with the deficient percentage and adds up to the percentage, too.

The intake of Protein shake, varies with the different body types. But, the normal calculation is, that 0.7 to 0.9 grams per day, keeping in mind that the process is fat burning and not muscles. But if a person is into vigorous muscle building and body building, then the preferred intake of Protein shake should be 1.4 to 1.7 grams per day.

Various Protein shakes or Protein supplements are made or comprised of different components or ingredients, which are dissected under various Protein types like egg protein, milk Protein soy protein, fish proteins etc. If the biological value is high in these protein shakes then it is digested much better.

The existence of amino acids in the protein shake helps to stabilize the sugar level and reduces the urge to eat or controls the hunger. Therefore, protein shakes are great stimulants and muscle building source that are easy and convenient, too.

STOP Click here to find out how to dramatically increase your muscle mass in just 7 minutes per day.

1. Find a full body workout and stick with it for at least 2 - 3 months. You do not want to end up with an awesome chest and biceps with tiny chicken legs. If you have a full body workout routine, your body will be well rounded. It takes time to see results. Sometimes newbies will be tempted to leave a really great workout routine to find the latest workout routine fad. After 2 -3 months, if you see that your routine isn't giving you the results that you are looking for, then by all means, switch it up a bit. But keep doing what is working. You can find a vast amount of free workout routines online.

2. Use machines over free weights when you are beginning. I say this because you can really hurt yourself if you aren't using proper form. It's pretty hard not to have proper form while using a machine. This tip is especially true if you don't have a spotter. In order to tear those muscle fibers so you can build them up, you will need to work those muscles to exhaustion. It can be scary if you are benching a considerable amount of weight, you are by yourself, and feel like you may not be able to get the bar up.

3. Use lighter weights. It can be very tempting to want to try to keep up with the other guys in the gym. You might feel like a wimp curling 10 lbs dumbbells while the guy next to you is curling 60 lbs. It is better to work your way up then to hurt yourself. I grantee you that the guy next to you didn't start curl 60 lbs over night.

4. Start out with straight sets. I recommend doing 15 - 20 sets of 3 for each exercise that you perform. Use lighter weight. Your third set should be hard to do For example if you are doing curls you can start out with 3 sets with maybe 15 lbs dumbbells. Go even lighter if the weight seems too much. . When this becomes too easy you can either increase the weight or begin doing a more advanced pyramid technique. A sample pyramid technique would be 1 set of 15 reps with 15 lbs dumbbells. Then do 1 set of 12 reps with 20 lbs dumbbells. Then do 1 set of 10 with 22.5 lbs dumbbells. Decrease the reps while you add weight to each set.

5. Don't forget about cardio. Be sure to have some cardio involved in your workout routine. I spend about 25 minutes on the treadmill at least 3 times a week. Cardio can really help you shed off the fat so you can have lean muscle mass. The best time to run is first thing in the morning before you eat. At night while you are sleeping, your body begins to burn off fat so when you wake up your body is already in fat burning mode. Cardio is also great because it helps you to have a healthy heart. Too much cardio can make you a skinny bean pole so be sure to balance it out.

6. Watch what you eat. You can workout everyday of the week, but if you are eating junk your workouts will not give you very good results. Stay away from fried foods, foods high in sugar, and be careful not to take in too many carbs. This means bye bye Snickers, McDonalds, and KFC It is a good idea to try to get as much protein in your diet as possible. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue. The suggest amount of protein is 1.5 grams per lbs. I weigh 185 lbs so I should be taking in about 277 grams of protein a day. Carbs aren't 100% bad either. They give you energy so you need them to, just keep your carb intake on the lower side.

7. Take advice from a ripped guy over a big fat guy. If the guy is ripped, his method must work. Even better than advice from a ripped guy is getting advice from an old ripped guy. The person who got me into bodybuilding was 54 years old. This guy looks 30 something. If a guy is old and ripped, his techniques must work long term.

8. Don't worry about where you workout. Some people go around in circles with should I workout at home, should I go to the gym? Each have their advantages, but just pick which ever one that works best for you. I have young children that require my time when I get home. Even if I had the greatest gym in the world, it would do me no good.

9 Study up. Read what you can on health, nutrition, and bodybuilding. You could be eating stuff that is making your workout routine unproductive but would have a clue unless you studied up on it.

10. If at all possible, find a workout buddy. Workout buddies can help keep you motivated. Be sure that your workout buddy is not a slacker or you might find yourself eating potato chips and playing Halo at your workout buddies' house.

Jon Lewis is the owner of A site where you can find supplement reviews, free workout routines, and other valuable workout information.

Are you interested to increase your body mass and get the reputation of a tough guy in the neighborhood? What is the result of your hyped cardio exercises then? Failed? Are you dejected? There is nothing to feel so. You can still be the winner provided you begin a weight lifting program for building muscles. What shall you get from here? The commencement of a comprehensive routine of weight lifting will help you to develop your body mass. This apart from building muscles will also strengthen the fat burning power of your physical structure.

Have you understood by now that a strong determination plays a significant role in the workout? You shall have to retain the necessary grit and also consistency. These are the first steps of success. You may be amazed but these are necessary. You have an intense desire to build a good physique, which should also consist of good muscles. But nothing can be gained easily. You shall have to work hard, dedicate yourself to the cause and practice the important tasks consistently. Now, even if you are a woman, you can gain a good amount of muscle through weight lifting. You will never lose your feminineness. On the contrary through getting muscles you will appear as slender, toned and sculpted. You will appear like an athlete or fitness model. However you shall have to work hard.

Now, as already said, everything depends on your commitment that comes from the personal affection. This love is nothing but another expression of the self-love that gets developed through intense training. Never forget that weight lifting helps you to attain one pound of muscle approximately in each week. This addition will make your body burn a good amount of calories daily. The only reason is that the lean muscle is regarded as more efficient to burn calories than fat. This will also continue to act in the same manner even when you are sleeping. The more lean muscles you grow the more you gain. What are you waiting for then? You should begin the training from this moment and practice it intensely. You will notice the difference after two months only.

There is a question. Is this all? If you think in this manner you are wrong. There is much more to this. Any program that helps you to build muscles also makes you feel good. You will always be found in a brighter mood than others and thus you will also get a positive outlook in life. This, in due course, will also strengthen you and insert more energy within you. It is not possible for any ordinary person to remain physically and mentally strong one ach and every day. But you can get the same through the regular practice of weight lifting. It is said that a good bath after a strenuous workout enlightens the performer and hence builds his self-confidence and also self-love.

You shall have to set your own routine from the first day and retain it throughout the schedule. Consult with the trainer for betterment.

Would you like to get your hands on a great step-by-step guide to build muscles that won't fail you? Click here to find out more about.

Breast Augmentation

Posted by loudfrogs | 7:16 AM | | 0 comments »

Breast Enlargement Surgery

We spoke to Claire, a 38 year old self employed journalist who undertook breast augmentation surgery in April 2002.

What size were your breasts before surgery?

Before surgery my breasts were 36A and were once described as flaps by a well meaning friend ! They weren't that bad, but I'd lost a lot of weight and so they lacked fullness on the top which made them appear a bit droopy and flat.

What made you have your breasts enlarged?

Pure vanity!! I liked their general shape, but the size was out of proportion with my tall rangy frame and I felt that if they were larger, then my waist would appear smaller. I came into some money and felt that it was now or never, and really decided to do it on a bit of a whim to be truthful, I wasn't one of those people who had always wanted bigger breasts, but I had always wanted a better body shape. I did research it well once I'd decided and was very careful to choose the right surgeon for me.

What was the surgery like?

Painful ! I'm really good with pain usually so I really didn't think it would be a problem, but I just hadn't realized how much it would actually hurt and for how long afterwards. I was lucky because I work for myself, so I could afford to take it really easy, but I can't imagine what it must be like for people who have to go back to work after 2 weeks or less!. Just lifting my arm to open a cupboard hurt like hell for 3 weeks, wearing a seatbelt without holding it away from my chest was impossible as it was so sore. Driving over bumps in the road hurt too, and sleeping was a nightmare! I had pain in the morning as I got out of bed, it felt like they were going to fall off!! The pain in the morning lasted 4 - 5 months! which is really wearing after a while, it just gets you down. The worst thing about the pain was just how long it lasted, even a year later, I get the odd twinge now and again.

Are you pleased with the results?

Yes, I am now, there is a big improvement in my overall appearance and I now wear a 36C/D bra. My breasts are bigger and more in proportion to my frame. Also they are much fuller, so they give a more pert youthful appearance to my shape. I certainly enjoy more appreciative glances from the opposite sex than I have before.

Would you have breast augmentation surgery again?

Well that's a tough one, if I could go back to April 2002, then no to be honest knowing what I know now, I wouldn't put myself through it again, but it's hard, because I am pleased with the results and glad that I did it!

If I hadn't had it done, I would probably still want bigger breasts, so I would probably try a creme or other non surgical breast enlargement option like pills or something...

Psychological Back Pain

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:14 AM | 0 comments »

Psychological back pain is the most common form of back and spine pain. A large percentage of back pain complaints are not caused by a physical problem. Yes, a physical abnormality might exist, but the condition is purely coincidental and not the actual reason for the pain. These common back pain scapegoat conditions assist in disguising the true nature of psychosomatic back pain. The mind and body interact constantly and are jointly responsible for all conditions of health and disease. Discounting the mind’s ability to cause and cure pain is the crucial mistake made by both patients and doctors alike.

The pain is very real !!! There is no doubt about that fact. The pain is not imaginary. The pain is not exaggerated. The physical symptoms are real. Numbness, tingling and weakness are real. The cause of these symptoms is also real.

The cause of these conditions is not physical. It is psychological and emotional. Psychological back pain is where the mind and body come together...

Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes (PIPS)

Psychological back pain is only one of many Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes (PIPS). Other common conditions caused by psychological processes include ulcers, headaches, stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the list goes on and on…

By now, I am sure you are having some doubts. “MY BACK PAIN IS REAL!!! IT IS NOT MENTAL!!!...IN FACT, I THINK YOU ARE MENTAL!!!”

I hear this a lot. Hey, my pain was real also. I know, I have been there. I suffered horribly for 18 long years. My back pain controlled my life. I have empathy for you. No one is doubting your pain. I am only doubting the CAUSE.

Chronic Psychological Back Pain

Why do you think there are so many instances of treatment-resistant chronic back pain? Why do so few people find a TRUE CURE for their pain, rather than just symptomatic relief? Any guesses?

Of course, it is impossible to cure a pain condition if you are not treating the actual cause of the problem. Treatments, drugs and surgeries will not help a back pain condition that is caused by a psychological process. This is the reason why so many patients never find real relief from their torturous pain. It is so sad, but so true. This fact is one of the main reasons for the EPIDEMIC of chronic back pain.

Mind / Body Interaction

The mind and the body are inseparable. I think most of us know that. Medicine has demonstrated that the mind can influence a physical process. The placebo effect is a perfect example. Emotions, such as fear, will cause your heart to race and blood pressure to rise. Sexual arousal is a mental process that causes an obvious physical reaction. The list goes on and on…The body can also influence the mind. When you are physically injured or sick, you FEEL sad, or even depressed. Substance abuse creates changes in your body, that will also affect your mind. Physical muscle tension will make you FEEL mentally stressed. Mental stress also causes muscular tension…

Hmmm…I think you are starting to see the link.

ALL physical processes and mental processes are related and co-dependant. No exceptions…

Psychological Back Pain Cause

“So why the heck is my own brain trying to hurt me? That’s stupid!!!”

Sound familiar? I bet that’s what you are thinking…

The fact is that your mind (not your brain) is trying to protect you. Yes, protect you, believe it or not. The problem is that the mind is using skewed logic, and a maladapted defensive mechanism, to cause you pain.

The mind is far more complicated than the body, and that is saying a lot! People’s emotions can influence their general health for the better or worse. When there are psychological issues or conflicts that are REPRESSED, this is where the trouble starts. Who has repressed issues? Ummmm… You, me, everyone in the world !!!

Psychological pain is never forgotten. Emotionally traumatic events, ethical conflicts, loss of loved ones, unresolved issues and guilt are just some of the reasons behind the need to repress our suffering. It is these repressed issues that actually cause psychological back pain.

Physical Pain / Emotional Cause

The famous physician, John Sarno,has a theory that most back pain is due to oxygen deprivation. He speculates that low oxygen content in the nerve and muscle cells is the true cause of most back pain. Actually, it is the true cause of most pain, period. This same process is responsible for headaches, stomach problems and other pain conditions.

* Oxygen Deprivation Back Pain

The mind has the ability to regulate the amount of oxygen in the blood, using the autonomic system. We are not aware of this process, since it is automatic, and not a conscious process. If the mind sees a need to reduce the oxygen, it can do so easily and secretly. This process leaves no evidence, and is so subtle, that it is never suspected as a cause of pain.

Oxygen Deprivation from Psychological Back Pain

Did you ever have a leg cramp? Maybe it was at night lying down, after a day of exercise. Maybe it was experienced while jogging. This is what oxygen deprivation does to muscle cells. They spasm, contracting violently, then are left with a sharp burning pain.

Does this describe most back pain? YUP!

If the oxygen is reduced to nerve cells, the results are even worse. Horrible pain, tingling, numbness and weakness are the result. Once again, sound familiar?

Making a Long Story Short…

The subconscious mind has these repressed issues. It does not want you to think about them consciously. It will do whatever it takes to prevent these painful emotional issues from leaking into your consciousness. Pain is it’s weapon. PAIN is a very effective weapon! It really grabs your attention and prevents you from thinking about anything else…

Until the patient comes to terms with this idea, the pain will continue. All the back pain treatments in the world will not cure them. They need a different kind of cure. Psychological back pain cannot be cured with drugs, or chiropractic, or surgery. Knowledge therapy is the real answer to their pain problems.

Yes, there is A LOT, A LOT, A LOT more to this condition! I just do not want to go on and on and on… The subject is covered in great detail in my book.

There are several excellent souces of information available on psychological back pain, and how to cure it.

The Bottom Line on Psychological Back Pain

This is not science fiction, it is science. Medical research has proven that the mind / body interaction is strong. Tens of thousands of back pain patients have been cured by knowledge therapy. Tens of thousands more have been cured of hundreds of other conditions and diseases, using knowledge therapy.

Is all back pain psychological? NO, of course not. Are many chronic treatment-resistant pain conditions caused by a psychological process? Yes.

How do I know all this?

I know because I am one of the tens of thousands who have been cured 100% of all my back pain.

I have herniated discs.

I have degenerative disc disease.

I have a history of horrible back and leg pain.

I tried ALL the physical treatments for 18 years. No luck. No cure. Just good days, and bad days, and the occasional painful DAY or WEEK or MONTH from HELL!!! OUCH…

I was cured by knowledge therapy. After all the doctors, diagnoses, and treatments, I realized I was a victim of psychological back pain. Now I am free. Not just pain-free, but truly free to live my life.