Psychological Back Pain

Posted by loudfrogs | 10:14 AM | 0 comments »

Psychological back pain is the most common form of back and spine pain. A large percentage of back pain complaints are not caused by a physical problem. Yes, a physical abnormality might exist, but the condition is purely coincidental and not the actual reason for the pain. These common back pain scapegoat conditions assist in disguising the true nature of psychosomatic back pain. The mind and body interact constantly and are jointly responsible for all conditions of health and disease. Discounting the mind’s ability to cause and cure pain is the crucial mistake made by both patients and doctors alike.

The pain is very real !!! There is no doubt about that fact. The pain is not imaginary. The pain is not exaggerated. The physical symptoms are real. Numbness, tingling and weakness are real. The cause of these symptoms is also real.

The cause of these conditions is not physical. It is psychological and emotional. Psychological back pain is where the mind and body come together...

Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes (PIPS)

Psychological back pain is only one of many Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes (PIPS). Other common conditions caused by psychological processes include ulcers, headaches, stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the list goes on and on…

By now, I am sure you are having some doubts. “MY BACK PAIN IS REAL!!! IT IS NOT MENTAL!!!...IN FACT, I THINK YOU ARE MENTAL!!!”

I hear this a lot. Hey, my pain was real also. I know, I have been there. I suffered horribly for 18 long years. My back pain controlled my life. I have empathy for you. No one is doubting your pain. I am only doubting the CAUSE.

Chronic Psychological Back Pain

Why do you think there are so many instances of treatment-resistant chronic back pain? Why do so few people find a TRUE CURE for their pain, rather than just symptomatic relief? Any guesses?

Of course, it is impossible to cure a pain condition if you are not treating the actual cause of the problem. Treatments, drugs and surgeries will not help a back pain condition that is caused by a psychological process. This is the reason why so many patients never find real relief from their torturous pain. It is so sad, but so true. This fact is one of the main reasons for the EPIDEMIC of chronic back pain.

Mind / Body Interaction

The mind and the body are inseparable. I think most of us know that. Medicine has demonstrated that the mind can influence a physical process. The placebo effect is a perfect example. Emotions, such as fear, will cause your heart to race and blood pressure to rise. Sexual arousal is a mental process that causes an obvious physical reaction. The list goes on and on…The body can also influence the mind. When you are physically injured or sick, you FEEL sad, or even depressed. Substance abuse creates changes in your body, that will also affect your mind. Physical muscle tension will make you FEEL mentally stressed. Mental stress also causes muscular tension…

Hmmm…I think you are starting to see the link.

ALL physical processes and mental processes are related and co-dependant. No exceptions…

Psychological Back Pain Cause

“So why the heck is my own brain trying to hurt me? That’s stupid!!!”

Sound familiar? I bet that’s what you are thinking…

The fact is that your mind (not your brain) is trying to protect you. Yes, protect you, believe it or not. The problem is that the mind is using skewed logic, and a maladapted defensive mechanism, to cause you pain.

The mind is far more complicated than the body, and that is saying a lot! People’s emotions can influence their general health for the better or worse. When there are psychological issues or conflicts that are REPRESSED, this is where the trouble starts. Who has repressed issues? Ummmm… You, me, everyone in the world !!!

Psychological pain is never forgotten. Emotionally traumatic events, ethical conflicts, loss of loved ones, unresolved issues and guilt are just some of the reasons behind the need to repress our suffering. It is these repressed issues that actually cause psychological back pain.

Physical Pain / Emotional Cause

The famous physician, John Sarno,has a theory that most back pain is due to oxygen deprivation. He speculates that low oxygen content in the nerve and muscle cells is the true cause of most back pain. Actually, it is the true cause of most pain, period. This same process is responsible for headaches, stomach problems and other pain conditions.

* Oxygen Deprivation Back Pain

The mind has the ability to regulate the amount of oxygen in the blood, using the autonomic system. We are not aware of this process, since it is automatic, and not a conscious process. If the mind sees a need to reduce the oxygen, it can do so easily and secretly. This process leaves no evidence, and is so subtle, that it is never suspected as a cause of pain.

Oxygen Deprivation from Psychological Back Pain

Did you ever have a leg cramp? Maybe it was at night lying down, after a day of exercise. Maybe it was experienced while jogging. This is what oxygen deprivation does to muscle cells. They spasm, contracting violently, then are left with a sharp burning pain.

Does this describe most back pain? YUP!

If the oxygen is reduced to nerve cells, the results are even worse. Horrible pain, tingling, numbness and weakness are the result. Once again, sound familiar?

Making a Long Story Short…

The subconscious mind has these repressed issues. It does not want you to think about them consciously. It will do whatever it takes to prevent these painful emotional issues from leaking into your consciousness. Pain is it’s weapon. PAIN is a very effective weapon! It really grabs your attention and prevents you from thinking about anything else…

Until the patient comes to terms with this idea, the pain will continue. All the back pain treatments in the world will not cure them. They need a different kind of cure. Psychological back pain cannot be cured with drugs, or chiropractic, or surgery. Knowledge therapy is the real answer to their pain problems.

Yes, there is A LOT, A LOT, A LOT more to this condition! I just do not want to go on and on and on… The subject is covered in great detail in my book.

There are several excellent souces of information available on psychological back pain, and how to cure it.

The Bottom Line on Psychological Back Pain

This is not science fiction, it is science. Medical research has proven that the mind / body interaction is strong. Tens of thousands of back pain patients have been cured by knowledge therapy. Tens of thousands more have been cured of hundreds of other conditions and diseases, using knowledge therapy.

Is all back pain psychological? NO, of course not. Are many chronic treatment-resistant pain conditions caused by a psychological process? Yes.

How do I know all this?

I know because I am one of the tens of thousands who have been cured 100% of all my back pain.

I have herniated discs.

I have degenerative disc disease.

I have a history of horrible back and leg pain.

I tried ALL the physical treatments for 18 years. No luck. No cure. Just good days, and bad days, and the occasional painful DAY or WEEK or MONTH from HELL!!! OUCH…

I was cured by knowledge therapy. After all the doctors, diagnoses, and treatments, I realized I was a victim of psychological back pain. Now I am free. Not just pain-free, but truly free to live my life.