Upper Back Muscle Pain

Posted by loudfrogs | 8:51 AM | | 0 comments »

Upper back muscle pain is often felt in the rhomboid, trapezius, infraspinatus, or latissimus dorsi muscles. There can be numerous reasons for muscular upper back pain. Sports injuries, car accidents, or falls can all contribute to pain in the upper region of the back. Upper back pain will affect the ability to turn the head and use the arms. Muscular back pain can be extremely painful, but rarely leaves lasting effects.

upper back muscle pain

Upper Back Muscle Pain Symptoms

* The main symptom of muscular upper back injuries is PAIN. The muscles of the upper back and shoulders can be very painful when injured. The pain might be steady or come and go depending on the extent of injury. The pain is often made worse when the patient performs certain movements or activities.

* Muscle spasm is relatively common in upper back injuries. Muscle spasm is when the muscle contracts violently and uncontrollably. This condition is similar to a “Charlie Horse” and can be very painful in a large back or shoulder muscle.

* Muscle tightness or stiffness is also common. There might be a “pulling” or abnormal “stretching” feeling when the back muscles are used. This feeling is most common when reaching for something with the arms.

Recommendation for Upper Back Muscle Pain

Relax! The pain will go away. The more you obsess over the pain, the longer it will last. Try to let the pain condition run it’s course. Once you are over the critical first 2 days of spasm and pain, start to rehabilitate the muscles. Start slow and be careful. Conservative movement will increase blood circulation to the muscles and accelerate healing.

I have injured my upper back muscles (especially the Trapezius) many times. Martial arts is a high risk activity and has caused me to suffer a number of upper back strains and sprains. I have also aggravated these injuries by training too hard, too soon. (Too many pull-ups and chin-ups…)

I have learned to slow down a little when I get one of these muscle injuries now. I do not want to start a buildup of scar tissue that may be problematic as I get older. One thing I do not do anymore is fear. I know that the pain will go away. The funny thing is that since I started to think this way, I have not suffered any more pulled muscles…